
Our Giftcards are available in every value from 15 € upwards and can be used for all activities we offer as well as food & drinks. Other than our vouchers they are not bound to a certain product. You can either print your gift card and give it in person, or just send the code.

If you are looking to redeem a giftcard - Please choose the products you would like to purchase, proceed to check out, insert your giftcard code and click confirm.


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Common Questions

What are the requirements?
You need to be able to swim and should feel comfortable within the water at any time. Besides that everyone can learn wakeboarding. Our youngest wakeboarders have been 6 years old and our oldest above 70.

Minimum age?
Our recommendation is to start wakeboarding with 8 years of age. If your child is between 6-8 years old we kindly ask you to contact us in advance so we make sure that we can arrange the best session possible.

When do I need to arrive?
It is crucial for our business that our customers arrive on time. Please make sure to arrive at least 30 minutes in advance. This is benefical for your experience since you will have enough time to check in at our shop and get changed. On very warm days throughout the main season (June-August) please consider that it may take additional time to find parking spaces since we share the parking lot with the local swimming bath. If you are a group of beginners and you booked beginner courses on different timeslots throughout the day we recommend that you arrive at the same time (earliest booked course) since everyone will be able to listen to the theory part at once which will safe time and therefore increase your time on the water/riding.

What do I need to bring / Rental-Equipment?
All rental equipment is included within the price. You only need to bring your swimwear, sunprotection, a towel and if needed a hair dryer.

Price Categories

Nebensaison: April, May, October 

Hauptsaison: June, July, August, September

Event: Special Events


Aschaffenburger Str. 1
65479 Raunheim

phone: 06142 9224857